Monday, November 4, 2013

This Kid

Today I’m thankful for this kid.

This kid, right here.  

Middle Man.

This kid is funny.  Hysterical, in fact, and he doesn’t try to be.  
Except when he does...and then it’s not that funny.
When he’s just himself, he’s hilarious.
But that’s part of what makes him this kid.

He’s smart.  He thinks so deeply that it blows my mind.  He makes connections across curricular areas that really do impress me.  I know I’m his Mom, but I’m also an educator and educators are usually their children’s most harsh critics.  
His expressive language skills are well-developed.  He speaks figuratively in every day language.
This kid is smart, deep, expressive, and intelligent....except when he’s not.
This kid will lose his shoes 8 times a day.
This kid will have a pair of socks in his hands when he enters a room and when he exits it, moments later, the pair of socks will have  “miraculously disappeared into thin air.”
But that’s part of what makes him this kid.

This kid is the middle of 5. 
Not an easy place to be.
In that space, you’re always either outgrowing the younger 2 siblings or trying to catch up to the older 2.
He’s often caught in between, and for the most part, he juggles it well.
Except when he doesn’t.
Sometimes his frustration gets the best of him.
But he reigns it in, and makes amends.
It’s part of being this kid.

Thank You, God, for this kid.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

November 2

Good morning, birthday girl!

Tonight I’m thankful for this birthday girl right here, who is SIX years old today.


My bonus baby number five.

The one who completed our family....

.....and is growing way too fast.
Happy birthday!  

Friday, November 1, 2013

My favorite month.

The month in which we pause to consider our many blessings and to offer our thanks.

The month in which bloggers attempt to blog every single day.

Quite a lofty goal for Grandma Sandy, but I’m gonna give it my best shot.  
I did pretty good last year, until we all got the flu.  
This year, I’m not off to a great start, considering the fact that I’m actually writing this post at 6am on the morning of Nov. 2, but plan to cheat and alter the time and date of when this will post so it will appear as if I blogged on Nov 1.  But I consider it to still count, since I did think about blogging last night.  I gave myself a pass because after the week I’d just endured, I was so tired last night I was unable to form a coherent thought.

So, today, on the evening of this very first day..ahem... of my favorite month of the year I am thankful for the end of a very long, exhausting, stressful week that included 2 field trips...whew... a greatly anticipated and well-prepared for formal observation/evaluation at school that got cancelled at the last minute...are you kidding me?!?....Trunk or Treat at church...yay...and a very long faculty meeting that made my brain hurt....can you say data analysis?

I am most thankful for the week’s end and the weekend ahead of us.
I’m thankful for the month of November when we are intentional about pausing to consider our blessings and to offer our thanks.

It’s November.
And I couldn’t be happier!