Wednesday, June 29, 2011

My favorite find so far

FINALLY! Grandma Sandy is back in the world of WiFi!!

We’re still trying to get settled.
Tons of boxes to still unpack.
But I wanted to take a quick minute to post about my favorite discovery so far since we’ve been back to good ole south Mississippi.

I think the pictures tell the story pretty well.

We sure do miss our friends back in West Tennessee, but I have to say.... there’s no place like south Mississippi and its great to be home!


2 SISTERS the Queen and TWO said...

GS speaks the truth about lots of boxes still needing to get unpacked!!
I saw the veggie stand not far from your house!! Welcome to the south again. you forgot to include a picture of your first delight- a big bag of crawfish but guess it was consummed before you found the camera!
great to have you closer home-the 2 sisters enjoyed our time with you at the new house.

Anita said...

I'll try to take up the slack you're leaving at the farmer's market in J-town this Saturday. Guess you've got land to have your own veg. stand by NEXT summer, right?

Anonymous said...

What a cute stand!!! So glad y'all are back in the internet world. I tried to get Clinton to stop by your house on Saturday on our way back from the beach. He was too ready to get home though. The kids and I will have to make an overnight trip down there soon!