Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Things I wish someone would’ve told me before I became a mother for the first time...

Just a few days ago some friends of ours had their first baby. This precious new life that’s joined their family has been greatly anticipated and joyously welcomed. The parents are in their thirties and have been married for just more than a year. As I was thinking about this soon-to-be Mom and Dad throughout the day as Mom was in labor, it got me to thinking. Becoming a parent for the first time is a
huge adjustment. There were a lot of things that came as a shock to me and other things that I thought I should just not tell anyone about. Soooo....in no particular order, here is a list of things that I wish someone had told me before I became a Mom for the first time.

**Disclaimer: The following will likely involve WAY too much information so if you are one of my brothers reading this or a male outside of the health profession, you should probably click away right now!**

1. Even if you have a forceps delivery with a 4th degree episiotomy and too many stitches to count which required a low residue diet for days, you will absolutely completely heal “down there” so don’t even worry about it.

2. Breastfeeding feels really weird and you will get used to it. It is hard work but hands down one of the most rewarding things I’ve done.

3. The more often you empty your breasts, the more milk they will make. (Too bad bank accounts don’t work the same way!)
As an added bonus, by exclusively breastfeeding it’s possible to hold off your monthly cycle for MONTHS!!

4. Buy a Medela electric breast pump whether you plan to work or stay at home. It will be your best friend. With my 3rd child I started pumping the day I came home from the hospital. After the morning feed, he’d fall asleep and I’d pump out the rest. My breasts got used to making enough milk at that time of day to not only sustain him but to eventually freeze multiple gallon bags of frozen 4oz bottles of breast milk. The Chef got to care for his son in a way that didn’t involve fecal matter or a change of clothes. Plus for them both!

5. Do NOT be surprised if hormonal shifts occur in the form of anxiety. I expected to be weepy, but not prepared to freak out when I dropped a jar of mayonnaise and it broke.

6. More than a baby is born that day. A Mama is born too! It took 9 months to form that baby in your womb but it will take a lifetime to form a Mama. Becoming a mother for the first time is a totally new realm of who you are now becoming, so be patient with yourself.
*see #7!

7. Do NOT feel like a freak or a total fake if you don’t immediately feel all drippy in-love with this newborn. As my eldest son was put on my chest, I remember thinking, “Smile really big because people are taking pictures!” And later I told my Mom and my Aunt that even though I was holding him and knowing he was mine, it still felt like I was holding one of my cousins or something. My brain and heart just couldn’t figure it all out at first. But it will come with time. Even if it’s longer than you expect of yourself.

8. As a parent, you will most likely always feel like a loser. That fear will be confirmed as fact once your child turns 14.

9. The parental guilt comes with the positive home pregnancy test. Remember how you felt you didn’t eat enough vegetables or exercise enough when pregnant? Those feelings will continue when you can’t get the baby to burp, figure out why she’s crying, when she falls and bruises her head when learning to walk, (or pulls a piano bench on top of her face at 18 months in Peanut’s case!) or when you forget to do the Kindergarten All About Me project that was due. As parents, we just do the best we can and pray that God will fill in the gaps and make up for our shortcomings!

10. It takes time to get to know and learn your child’s signals as to what she needs, but you will know. She has to figure it out first because...well...she’s never been a person before! You are smart and you will figure it out in time. If you get impatient, frustrated, exhausted, or even disgusted, do NOT hesitate to call a friend or neighbor. There’s always someone around more than willing to lend a helping hand and get their newborn fix at the same time (me!! me!! me!)

11. And finally, the thing that took me most by surprise.....in that moment... that very moment when you know that the head is out...the shoulders are guided one, then the other....everything seems so surreal....the rest of that baby comes sliding out and just before the boy/girl announcement is made.....somewhere in that moment it’s as if you are as close in a physical sense as you could ever possibly be to the Hand and presence of God.
I don’t mean just spiritually, but physically.

For a life to transcend from one realm to another is a very sacred thing whether it be with the birth of a child into this world or the passage of a soul from this world into eternity.

With the passing of an individual, the body remains and the saved soul is welcomed into Heaven.

With the birth of a child I believe the soul is already present, so to witness that birth...the deliverance of a new life into this world....physical body and soul.....for human flesh to touch a new life whose flesh has never before been touched by human hands....and with that new life’s first breath.....WOW. It’s the closest thing I can ever imagine to being able to physically feel God’s Hand....to be the first to see and feel something fearfully and wonderfully created by Him. I can hardly believe He’s allowed me to experience it five times. I am blessed!

So, there’s my list. Any moms (or Dads!) out there who may be reading, I’d love to know what things you wished someone told you before becoming a parent! Surely I’m not the only one!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Friday’s busy day in K!

The following post is actually about last Friday....

This was an exceptionally busy day in Kindergarten!

This week was letter Mm week, so every activity in nearly every content area was geared towards (or at least emphasized) the letter Mm.
Fun Friday is also a big deal down the Kindergarten hall. Friday is the day we celebrate all who have had good behavior for the week with a special treat or activity that has something to do with either the letter of the week, or a skill from our units of study in Math, Social Studies, or Science.
Or sometimes its something that’s just plain fun!

Grandma Sandy’s class also started our Star of the Week tradition. Each student gets to have a week where they are the Star Student of the Week. It is really a big deal, stopping nothing short of having a designated parking place for the Parent of the Star of the Week. I’m kidding, of course, but I try to make it a pretty big deal because after all, your first year of “big kid school” is important and should be celebrated, right?!?

Because we teach Math first thing in the morning, we started off our day by graphing the colors of M&M’s. Each student got their own little fun pack of M&M’s and they made their own graph.

I was amazed at how well they did! It’s rare for every single student to complete a task perfectly, but they really all did! Even the ones who speak little English!

We also had a Surprise Family Reader.

The theme for our Reading unit is Families, so I sent out a notice to parents asking them to sign up for a day in the next 3 weeks to come eat lunch with us and then to read a book of their choice to the class but to not tell their child they were coming. The children have been so excited to see their parents waiting in the cafeteria and then more surprised when Mom or Dad follows us back to the classroom. Surprise Family Reader has been a big hit and one I will continue in the future.

The next thing on our agenda was to finish our Five Senses books to give to our parents on Conference night. They each made their face to match their hair and eye color. Some of the resulting hairstyles were......interesting...

Finally, we made crockpot macaroni and cheese for our Fun Friday treat. The Star of the Week brings in supplies for whatever treat we are going to make and then assists the teacher as Chef of the Day. You would think they’d been asked to host the Oscars. The Chef of the Day always takes his/her job very seriously and with great pride. I may look into finding some inexpensive child-sized aprons. Wouldn’t it be so cute for each child to decorate an apron to wear as Chef of the Day that they could keep?

That was our Friday!
(the mac & cheese was soooo cheesy and good)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I’m still alive!!!!

Have no fear. GS is still here! I started a post last Friday about our Fun Friday day at school. It was a particularly busy day so I thought I’d share some of the things we did. Unfortunately, I only got it halfway finished Friday night and never got back to it over the weekend. I’ll finish it soon and get it posted! We love Fun Fridays!

The Chef and Guitar Boy were out of town this past weekend and Middle Man spent the night with a friend, so I used the time and space with fewer people around to do some cleaning around the house that I’d neglected because of our weekly visits to the pool. It’s hard some things done when you go to the pool every Saturday. Imagine that!! So I did some cleaning and then our weekly-pool-teacher-group decided to get together at Grandma Sandy’s house Saturday afternoon to let the kids play and the grown-ups visit. It was great fun.

Last night was our Fall Parent-Teacher Conferences that last until 7:30. I had 17 out of 19 parents come! Most of my students had both their Mom and Dad come which I thought was great. Of the 2 students whose parents didn’t attend, one of those Moms must have just forgotten (despite a reminder note) because she’s always at the school and is very involved. I’m not sure what happened with the other parent, so I’ll have to give her a call.

In case you’re wondering, The Spoiled Little Princess and her mom both came. The SLP was decked out in a strapless dress, little sandals with heels, and jewelry!! Oh my. Her mom thanked me for my patience with her daughter because “she is an only child and gets too much attention and only wants to have her own way at home, too.” Well, go figure. ha!

I have a wonderful class and wonderful parents this year which of course always leads me to ask myself the question: “when will there be a knock at the door with a new student with yet another story?” I’m a little gun-shy after Special’s arrival last year at Thanksgiving.

Speaking of Special, I see her every day. She runs to give me a hug in the cafeteria most days and ALWAYS blows me a kiss. Last year she started this thing where she wanted to jump on me and kiss me on the cheek so I started a thing where we each blow a kiss and “catch” the other’s kiss at the same time. Much better.

Gotta run. The Chef is home from taking Guitar Boy to school which means it’s time for us to leave.

Happy Tuesday!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Grandma Sandy is a blogger dummy

I attempted to link my "Ode to The Spoiled Little Princess” (see below) to a previous blog post entitled “Things I Wish I Could Say in Spanish” in order to refresh readers’ memory about the subject of my poem. I thought I had it figured out, but apparently my links go nowhere!! I’ll have to get advice from my sister-in-law canape because she knows how to do all kinds of cool blog things that I’m totally clueless about. In the meantime, if you don’t know who The Spoiled Little Princess is, scroll down to my “Things I Wish I Could Say in Spanish” from August!
I hope you enjoy my poem located directly below this blogger dummy update.

Ode to The Spoiled Little Princess

Remember my spoiled little Princess? The one who spanked another child who wasn’t “going fast enough at the water fountain”? Yes, her. I’ve since discovered that she understands quite a bit of English and her speaking skills are improving daily. Recently our school had a fire drill. Grandma Sandy’s experience that day has become the topic for today’s blog post. Today I give you........

There once was a spoiled little princess
who was of Hispanic descent.
She liked to do most things her own way
without Grandma Sandy’s consent.

Line-leading, cutting, and pasting
restroom and water break too...
all things The Princess knew better
than her teacher (me!) knew how to do.

One day our school had a FIRE DRILL..
We’ve practiced this 2 times before...
but this time The Princess knew better..
than to follow her class out the door.

Swiftly and safely we made it..
across the parking lot space
into the field with the others..
Eight hundred students in place.

Except for one spoiled little Princess
who got out of line to remain..
She was found by the school secretary
while her teacher was going insane..

Her classmates told me she said “NO.”
when time came to walk out the door.
She turned and walked straight to her table
and proceeded to sit on the floor.

Her teacher held up the red paper
to signal that someone was gone.
The principal called for the office
to find the child who was alone.

Meanwhile her teacher was fuming
madder than she’d been in years...
There was smoke at the fireless Fire Drill day
Coming straight from Grandma Sandy’s two EARS!!

The Princess was found sitting calmly
and refused to come to the door
when the secretary came a’knocking
The Princess remained on the floor.

Custodian Conley had keys
to open Room 107’s door
and rescue the spoiled little Princess
still sitting on the tile floor.

Meanwhile 800 kids sweating
still outside on our Fire Drill day
all because one young spoiled Princess
wanted to have her own way.

Finally the signal was given
for all to start heading inside.
The Princess was in the school office
a lecture she now would abide.

Grandma Sandy gave praise to the classmates
Who all did the right thing that day
They each had a treat the next morning
a dough-nut and free time to play.

The Princess returned to the classroom
The Principal holding her hand
“I think she knows she’s in trouble,
but I’m not sure that she understands.”

One small thing I really should share
that may alter your view of this rhyme
Sometimes The Princess pretends
to no comprende Engles at certain times

To make sure I wasn’t mistaken
and to answer my question of WHY?
Athziri my Hero translator
was summoned to give it a try.

They spoke rapid words to each other
Could she maybe have been really scared?
Children can have some strange nightmares
I’m wondering what will be shared.

When Athziri’s eyes got really big
and her jaw dropped clear to the floor,
I knew my answer was coming
But I should have prepared myself more.....

The reason she gave, unbelievable
and ironic as well I must say
WHY did she skip the school Fire Drill
“It was too hot to go OUTSIDE that day!”