Sunday, January 16, 2011

NFH and THS Jr.

**Update: N had surgery yesterday morning to have a chest tube inserted in order to better treat his pneumonia. The Dr.’s feel that the infection in his lungs has been the source of his fever and intense pain. The surgery went well but they weren’t able to accomplish all that they really desired. He will get better, but it will be a long process that will likely take several weeks.
Thank you for your prayers and keep them coming!

See this sweet boy?

This sweet boy is my nephew and he is in need of your prayers.

He is in the hospital with the flu, an allergic reaction to medication, pneumonia, severe stomach and back pain, and a UTI. He’s been in terrible pain and has had a high fever over 102 even with meds.
If you would, please pray for N’s healing, for guidance for the doctors and nurses that are caring for him, and for God’s peace to transcend upon him and his parents.

I praise you because I am fearfully
and wonderfully made.
Psalm 139:14

We have always claimed this as N’s verse.
He was not easily conceived.
He was not easily carried.
He was not easily born.
He IS fearfully and wonderfully made, as we all are!

Be still and know that I am God
Psalm 46:10

The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6-7

The Truth in these verses continues to minister and speak to me under any circumstance.
I can only imagine the stress and worry that my brother and sister-in-law must be experiencing as they have to see their young son so sick.
In situations like this I always want to do something, don’t you?
I’m too far away to cook them food, take their daughter to school, rock their baby, do their laundry, or take them snacks to the hospital.
So instead, I will think about them, pray for them, and ask for your prayers, too.

Would you also please pray for my father-in-law, The Gentleman?
As you may recall, he broke his hip over a week ago and he has yet to fully awaken after surgery.
I took the children to see him today for the first time and I could tell he knew we were there.
The little girls couldn’t wait to sing a few songs to him and he actually smiled twice.
We aren’t sure what may happen, but we miss having him at home yet know that God is in control.