Saturday, May 22, 2010

First day of summer

I was planning to start my post about Special today, but quite honestly, I need a little more time before I start reliving the whole six month experience. It was pretty intense. Today, on my very first day of summer vacation, I decided to do a whole lot of nothing. Well, thats not entirely true. I've done a lot. It just so happens that none of what I've accomplished is on my summer list, but thats ok by me. There's always tomorrow to get started on that, right? Or maybe Monday.

So far on my first day of summer, this is what I've done.

A lot of this....

and this....

Stalked some of my favorite blogs....

Finished watching the reunion show of this.....

Finished watching the finale of this.....

and talked to my bestie.

What I did not do was this.....

or this......

and certainly not this.....

Soooo.......for the rest of today I'll probably watch a little of this....

and do some more of this......

and call it a day!!
What about you? What did you do today?

1 comment:

2 SISTERS the Queen and TWO said...

what did I do? I enjoyed reading your post and was MOST DEFINITELY IMPRESSED with your new skills of adding pictures!