Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Laughing or cackling, I'm not sure which

Edited to add: I finally have the date for floor installation. Guesses, anyone?

At some point you just have to laugh.

The flooring guys came this morning to put down the final coat of sealant on the concrete slab. The sealant that has prevented me from being able to leave my house from the door leading to the garage (hello, front door, nice to meet you). The same sealant thats kept me from getting to my utility room for the past 3 days, although thats not a complaint because I'll take any excuse to avoid doing laundry. I'm choosing to consider the sealant as a friend and not a foe. After all, the sealant is what will allow Chester, the flooring installer, to finally be able to install the flooring thats been sitting downstairs for two months.

As we've marked off each day in this eight day process of applying layers of sealant and allowing it to dry, I've tried not to focus too much on when the flooring will actually be installed. However, I must confess that in the back of my mind I've been hopeful that we would have flooring by early next week at the latest. Its not like they don't know who we are at this point. After two months, I'm sure the various flooring employees are as eager to get rid of us as we are to wave goodbye to them for the last time. Finally, on the last day of the last step before we can have flooring installed and I can start to put my house back together as well as see a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel, I decided to just jump right in with both feet and ask the big question.

With a bright and hopeful smile I asked the sealant guy, "So, does this mean Chester will be here tomorrow to install the floor??"

hopeful, hopeful, hopeful, smiling, smiling, smiling

To which he replied......

"Naw, Chester's on vacation. They'll have to schedule you later."

At some point you just have to laugh. Sigh.

1 comment:

2 SISTERS the Queen and TWO said...

laughter is good for you. You have done a good job of trying to remain cheerful during this entire process, however, I am concerned that there will soon be NO CLOTHES TO WEAR if you cannot get to the long rider dumpster in the laundry room. Walking over the furniture that is stacked to the ceiling and climbing up the outside staircase to be able to access your house is bound to be getting old by now. Hopefully Chester won't be on vacation for long!