Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Today has been one of those days where nothing seemed to go right. Sometimes you have that kind of day and then thankfully something jerks you out of your funk and sets your thinking straight.

It started off with my alarm waking me up early because the flooring guys were coming. Yes, that's right. The flooring guys. Two months after the flood and we still don't have flooring installed. Moisture readings were still so high that we were forced to remove the lord-only-knows-how-old-vinyl that we'd hoped to leave as a moisture barrier. Turns out that the vinyl itself was holding all the moisture so out it came. Today was work day 5 in the process of applying sealant on the concrete slab so I was up bright and early after a late night of watching The Bachelorette on tivo with LaLa. Floor guys have been getting here by about 8am. Today? 9:30am. Maybe not that big of a deal but we're on "summer schedule" so that was a major bummer.

Oh well. No worries. I'll just check a few things online on my Blackberry. It's only fair that I state publicly at this point that I am completely, totally, 100% addicted to my Blackberry. It is with me at all times. It stores pretty much every photo and video I've taken of my children over the past 2 years. I am a complete idiot when it comes to computers and technology but I understand my Blackberry and it understands me.

Until today.

Today the trackball decided that it was tired of allowing me to scroll down so it went on vacation. I guess. There's no other explanation for it's misbehaviour other than its constant overuse by me! I can scroll left, right, and up, but not down. What does this mean? It means I can't access my address book, text messages, email, photos, videos, recipes, web browser, or twitter. Basically I can call people as long as I know their phone number. Well, shoot. I can use the house phone for that! I spent 3 1/2 hours googling, removing and cleaning the trackball and sensors with compressed air.

Removing, cleaning, removing, cleaning, removing, cleaning.

I even put the trackball in upside down and guess what? I could scroll down but not up.

The story goes on from there and I will spare you the boring details, but it really didn't get much better from that point on! Did I mention I'm addicted? They don't call it crackberry for nothing!

I finally took a break from that frustrating experience and fixed the kids lunch. My two youngest daughters decided that today would be the day they would both act as if they were in a 12-hr-long competition with each other to see who could throw the biggest fit. They both put on such impressive displays that if I were forced to declare a winner I would have no choice but to declare it a tie. All I know is that I feel as if I've been verbally abused all day.

The afternoon brought better news with this little guy here.

Can you guess what he brought me?

If you guessed this, then you are right!!

My lifelong best friend and I worked out a deal for her laptop that she no longer uses. Here's to hoping I can figure out how to use this thing because my technology track record ain't the best, as we all know.

And guess what else she sent?


When I say I have a best friend, what I really mean is my twin in a former life. No, I don't believe in reincarnation but I can't think of any other words to better describe the relationship we have. We've been partners in crime since our mothers used to stroll us together on Pecan Way. We even have our own language but since that sounds way too creepy to put on a blog I'll leave it at that for now. tgdfde mmm hmm...

As I started working on this post several hours ago, I was in a frustrated state. But then I uploaded my photos and was reminded of how incredibly blessed I am to have a lifelong friend that sends me t-shirts and with whom I share 41 years of experiences and memories. I was reminded that although my two youngest daughters drove me completely bat-crazy today, I've been blessed with 5 beautiful healthy children and how dare I take that for granted? There are so many couples experiencing infertility or others that've lost a child and I'm frustrated by temper tantrums? and a stupid phone?

I was reminded of The Pastor who last week was in the hospital after having a TIA but is home tonight. I cannot put into words the admiration I have for her and other cancer warriors like our family friend Susan N. They are my heroes without a doubt.

I'm most grateful that because of today's test results, my own Mama will not yet join the ranks of my Cancer Warrior Heroes. It's all good!

So I'm off to bed. I am thankful for all of my many blessings and I will have a conversation with my Heavenly Father about all of that.

What are you thankful for?

1 comment:

2 SISTERS the Queen and TWO said...

We all have tough days occasionally but when the 2 little ones are crying and whining about everything, wow, it does send you up the wall. Sorry about the technology difficulties and frustrations, but you are gonna love your very own computer once you conquer all the buttons and gadgets. About the blackberry, I do not know much about them except I LOVE YOURS because I have had wonderful pictures and videos of my grandchildren for the last 2 years. Yes, today may have been a long difficult one, but for me, when I got the call from the Dr. that there was NO CANCER. I continued sending up PRAISES for all of our blessings. IT WAS A WONDERFUL DAY!