Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Run like the wind...or maybe just saunter

We just experienced a 1st in our family. Nearly fourteen years after becoming parents for the first time, we just had our first child to "run away." Fourteen years and our first runaway? I think that's a pretty good track record! heh heh

Our seven year old son, Middle Man, got upset with us because we wouldn't let him go play at the neighbors and the two older siblings were there. We had valid reasons for denying him this privilege. He argued, pleaded, cried. He even told us that "I'm just not the kind of person to sit around and do nothing. I like to do fun things and so I really need to go down the street to play because getting fresh air is important!"

Didn't work.

So Middle Man, apparently at his wit's end, issued the only ultimatum he could, and stated with calm resolve,

"Then I'm running away."

We told him that we were very sad that he was forced to make that decision, but if he felt it was best, then....it would be wrong of us to stop him. He immediately went to get his things for the road, which included only a pillow, stuffed animal, and a pair of shorts and then returned to say his goodbyes. I asked him if I could take one last picture so I wouldn't forget what he looked like. Then I asked him to please turn around for another picture because I didn't want to forget what the back of him looked like either. 

He went down the stairs and we waited to hear the alarm beep, letting us know he actually opened the door. The alarm beeped and then seconds later the door shut. The Chef was watching Middle Man from around the corner and saw him coming back up the stairs.

I asked him if he'd run away yet and he said yes, that he was already back.

WHEW! I was almost a mommy to four instead of five!

And now he's happily enjoying a leftover rib from last night's meal with the grandparents.

So I guess I can't really say he ran away, exactly. More like a saunter. But at any rate, I'm glad Middle Man changed his mind.

1 comment:

2 SISTERS the Queen and TWO said...

poor Middle man! He does have to "FIGHT" for his place and he has to defend himself from those older than he is and has to give into those younger than he is. sometimes he does have a very difficult time. next time he is ready to leave-please give him my phone number, I am available. I do need a worker to protect the pier with the pliers that scare away the geese and he does that better than anyone I know. He is the most interesting of your 5! very creative and has a marvelous imagination. He makes me laugh. Glad he decided to stick around.