Friday, July 16, 2010

Creativity and Imagination

Apparently, The Chef is not the only creative cook in our household.

Lately, my 4 yr old daughter, The Boss, has taken a liking to making food creations out of Play-doh.

It started out as a “restaurant” imaginary play game with her older sister, Peanut.

Behold one of their first creations:

Peanut says it is called “Firework Surprise.” She says its a vanilla ice cream dessert in a bowl with strips of chocolate over the top.

Ok, I can see that, can’t you?

This morning, The Boss decided to try her hand at Play-doh food cooking all on her own.

She said she would make me blueberry pancakes and bacon.

Behold the blueberry pancakes:

I can see that, can’t you? She even has the blueberries as well as a few sprinkles, she says.

And now behold the bacon:

I don’t know about you, but I’m not really seeing it. I mean I’m seeing IT but what I see does not look like bacon at all.

IT definitely looks like something. Something I learned about in maybe 8th grade Biology.

But definitely not anything to do with bacon!

Ah yes, creativity and imagination knows no bounds in the Grandma Sandy household.

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