Monday, July 26, 2010

Making progress

Making progress......

I finally committed last week to regular exercise. The treadmill was in storage until two weeks ago. When last Monday rolled around, I knew I had no excuse but to just DO IT and to KEEP doing it.
I exercised Mon-Fri last week, took Sat and Sun off because we were out of town, but got back on it today.

I always take a long time stretching, warming up, and cooling down. I strained my hip last fall which is the point at which I quit exercising and got ridiculously fat. I’m doing a combination of walking/running (more walking at this point). I know not to expect to be able to do 6 miles each day once school starts this Thursday. I’m pushing myself pretty hard right now, but its with the understanding that in a few days, my time will become severely limited, as well as my energy. My five kiddoes need their mama once I get home each day from school, but I hope to be able to get in a few miles each day.

For now, I’m gonna go find something soft to sit on.
My behind hurts.


Anonymous said...

I miss the days of waking up at 5 and walking edgewood with you before school. We always had fun. Why did I do that anyway? After that I would go to school, basketball for 2 hrs. and then dance for 2 1/2 more hours. I would die if I tried to do all that now! :)
Can't believe you start school this week. That is way to early.

grandma sandy said...

Yes it was fun! You did it because you were young and actually could do it! Those were the good ole days, weren’t they? Except they’re even better now because we’re actually family!
Yes, July IS too early. It’s a first for me. But I’ll be glad when October rolls around, we have a full week off, and we can go to the lake for a visit. Hopefully we can see y’all then!