Monday, July 5, 2010

Slght for sore eyes...

Guess who came to Grandma Sandy’s house today????


Chester the flooring installer and his wife, Michelle!!!!!!!

Chester and Michelle are a husband/wife installation team. The carpet/flooring store wasn’t even open today because of the 4th, but Michelle called me last week to see if they could come over anyway to get our flooring installed. Bless their sweet hearts. They’ve been to our house so many times to install and then had to leave because moisture levels were too high.

Finally, more than 2 months after the flood and after running industrial dehumidifers for weeks, finally having to remove the vinyl that we’d hoped would act as a moisture barrier but in fact was the very thing holding all the moisture, applying 3 layers of sealant on the bare foundation which took 8 days and prevented me from using the door to my house as well as my utility room, finally, today was the day.

Can I get an AMEN?

So they arrived this morning, spent some time measuring and cutting.....

Started doing whatever it is they do.....

And before we knew it.......

They were nearly done.

Chester and Michelle also have five children and they spent their vacation marrying off their oldest son. They’ve been to our house so many times that we began to joke about spending Thanksgiving together and sending Christmas cards.

So, thanks, Chester and Michelle for caring enough about us that you’d take it upon yourselves to work on your day off, simply because you know what its like to have five children in a house that’s turned upside down. You guys are the best!

See ya’ll at Thanksgiving!!!!

1 comment:

2 SISTERS the Queen and TWO said...

I am over here singing the Hallelujah Chorus with much enthusiasm as I rejoice with you that you can now take the first steps to putting your house back in order and began to live like normal people. well, somewhat like normal, whatever that is!!!!