Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Guess what I did today.......

That’s right! Treadmill!

I only did 2 1/2 miles and could only run about 2 milli-seconds, but it’s a start, right?


2 SISTERS the Queen and TWO said...

ALRIGHT!! proud of you for getting started again. the speed will increase as you keep on keeping on. (most of all I know YOU ARE THRILLED that you were able to get the treadmill setup again on your brand new pretty floors!!)
I am also proud of Peanut for getting a routine started too. we had great fun being there will all of you and getting to experience the "BIG FAMILY" daily routines. Most of all after observing the day to day activities, I AM AMAZED that you can find time to write a blog but so glad you do, we all enjoy your creative writings.

2 SISTERS the Queen and TWO said...

ALRIGHT!! proud of you for getting started again. the speed will increase as you keep on keeping on. (most of all I know YOU ARE THRILLED that you were able to get the treadmill setup again on your brand new pretty floors!!)
I am also proud of Peanut for getting a routine started too. we had great fun being there will all of you and getting to experience the "BIG FAMILY" daily routines. Most of all after observing the day to day activities, I AM AMAZED that you can find time to write a blog but so glad you do, we all enjoy your creative writings.