Sunday, July 18, 2010

Kitchen time

Speaking of chefs in the kitchen, I thought I’d show what two of my girls really have been up to in the real kitchen lately.

The Chef does a lot of things well, but one of the things I love most is the time he takes with each of his children in the kitchen. One night recently, it was The Boss and Peanut’s turn. On the menu? Beef enchilada casserole.

There’s not a recipe. It’s a dish that The Chef invented several years ago and it’s a family favorite.

The Chef started Peanut off chopping an onion. Her very first onion to chop!
She was a little reluctant at first but she did a great job.

The Boss did a great job pouring.

The Chef showed them how to build the casserole and then let them have at it. He seriously showed them what to do, sat down to watch the news, and said, “Let’s hope for the best!"

The finished product just before putting it in the oven.

The meal was delicious! I’m proud that my girls (and sons, as well) are learning cooking skills and are gaining confidence in the kitchen throughout the process. I’m also grateful for a husband with the patience for the hands—on teaching approach. Children learn best by “doing "and applying the skills they learn.
Whenever I get all mushy-feeling that my husband and children spend this kind of time together, The Chef always stops me by reminding me of his ulterior motive when he says,

“Honey, don’t start singing my praises. You know the main reason I do this is because I’m bound and determined that with 5 kids, one of ‘em will turn out to be a cook that will feed me when I’m old."

Well, he does have a point......

1 comment:

2 SISTERS the Queen and TWO said...

the Queen says: Well, that sounds like a great plan except when you are old, the stomach cannot tolerate anything spicy, and the teeth can only chew things that are soft. So better work on some good recipes for soup and Chicken!! oh yeah, and usually older folks cannot eat anything that has too many carbs, cause the diabetes will probably be a factor to deal with too!! BUT HEY, life is still good even with all of these exceptions to work around. I AIN'T COMPLAINING, just sharing wisdom from experience. KNOW WHAT I MEAN?
do I hear an AMEN?