Monday, November 5, 2012

60 minutes...hours of gratitude

There is absolutely no question for that which I’m thankful today!!!

The time change!  

School here starts at 7am.  Which means I have to leave home by 6:45 to get to the school, park my car, run to my classroom, and get there barely before the bell rings.  If I have to drop Guitar Boy off at the high school, I have to leave a few minutes earlier than that.  Thankfully, I live very close to the school, traffic is not a problem, and there are NO traffic lights on my part of the journey!

I love this tiny town.

My alarm goes off at 5:15am.  I snooze a few times and drag myself out of bed by 5:45 to wake up Guitar Boy to get in the shower.  Then I go wake Middle Man (which takes an act of Congress) and snuggle with the little girls for 7-10 minutes (exactly) to wake them up slowly, and then get in the shower myself.  

The next 30-40 minutes involve me getting myself and kids ready, breakfast, animals, etc.  I’ve somewhat perfected it so that our mornings run like a well-oiled machine (with the occasional crisis).  Generally speaking, I usually have a heart-attack at least once (or more) a week over somebody not doing something they were supposed to, which is an entirely new blog post in itself, and one in which I will spare you the gory details!  I could get up earlier, but I’m just not willing to do that and would rather chance the occasional near-heart-attack.

But back to the original reason for my gratitude today.  

Friends, I’m telling you one thing.  That extra hour is the gift that just keeps on giving.  At least for the first few days!

First of all, the kids are tired and ready to go to sleep so much earlier.
Secondly, they are so much more ready and willing to get up in the
BUT the most important reason why I love FALL BACK is that it’s not still night time when I have to get up and leave the house in the morning!

Now, don’t get me wrong....I truly appreciate seeing the sunrise over the cotton fields in the morning on my way to school.  
And the occasional misty fog is nice.
But having to turn on porch lights just to see my way to the car is kind of depressing.

It was wonderful to wake up and already see a glint of morning happiness through the blinds this morning.  

So I’m thankful for that extra hour on Saturday night that is continuing to spread its love even through the early part of this week.

Let’s hope it continues!!

Have you taken the time to count your blessings today?

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