Monday, June 7, 2010

Kinda scary

Remember this picture?

Apparently, she really IS a chip off the old block.

Credit for this photo comparison goes to my best friend who has a steel trap memory that inspired a relentless determination to dig for this photo until she found it. I have no idea what we were doing and its apparent that we're not at the car wash but one thing's for sure:

We were probably up to something.


2 SISTERS the Queen and TWO said...

I have NO DOUBT that you were up to something. I cannot recall a time when the 2 of you were NOT up to something but you do have so many great memories and a lot of laughs as you think back on those growing up days. I, on the other hand,managed to survive those years that often seemed like nighmares at the time. funny to me now, SMILES to you!

Elisa said...

What glares at me from this photo is the color on the walls. Most people don't know this but that color is called "cat killer pink".

grandma sandy said...

And most people don't know we really twings with our own language fdeg

Elisa said...

Sssssss ha abd796

grandma sandy said...

omgD fde